
The concept for the Ortho App originated from Seth Vitrano, the former Orthography Coordinator for SIL-MSEAG. Seth personally took on the task of developing a script for a specific language group, laying the foundation for the app. Recognizing the potential of this idea, Unfolding Word decided to transform it into a full-fledged application. They partnered with PaintBrush Solutions to oversee its development, leading to the creation of a groundbreaking Proof of Concept (POC) for this revolutionary app.

Explore New Languages Easily

Discover the unparalleled capabilities of the Orthography Application, your ultimate tool for script generation in languages without a traditional writing system. Whether it’s for academic research, linguistic preservation, or personal interest in rare languages, this software is engineered to simplify and enhance the process. With its intuitive design, users can effortlessly create scripts based on syllable counts and initial sounds, making the translation and understanding of these languages significantly more accessible.

Try the Application by clicking on the link below (Works only on Android)

Download OrthoApp (PoC) ver 0.1

How Does It Work?

  • Syllable Analysis: The app counts the number of syllables in spoken words to help form the base of the new script.
  • Phonetic Sampling: It identifies the initial sounds of these syllables, which are crucial in shaping distinct characters or letters.
  • Script Generation: Combining these elements, the app proposes a set of symbols representing different sounds, effectively creating a usable script which can be downloaded on your Android phone.